Media Marketing to Children

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[11]  Hannah Kang,et al.  Advertising or games? , 2014 .

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[13]  Caroline J. Oates,et al.  Parents’ Beliefs About, and Attitudes Towards, Marketing to Children , 2014 .

[14]  Sandra L. Calvert,et al.  The Influence of Advergames on Children’s Consumer Choices and Behavior , 2014 .

[15]  J. Herbert,et al.  The Development of Children’s Scepticism About Advertising , 2014 .

[16]  Fran C. Blumberg,et al.  Linkages Between Media Literacy and Children’s and Adolescents’ Susceptibility to Advertising , 2014 .

[17]  M. Buijzen The Family’s Role in Children’s Interpretation of Advertising , 2014 .

[18]  Mark Blades,et al.  Young Children’s Ability to Identify Advertisements on Television, Web Pages and Search Engine Web Pages , 2014 .

[19]  Susan Auty,et al.  Under the Radar: How Embedded Commercial Messages in TV and the New Media Influence Children Without their Conscious Awareness , 2014 .

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[23]  Natalie Pearson,et al.  Adolescent television viewing and unhealthy snack food consumption: the mediating role of home availability of unhealthy snack foods , 2012, Public Health Nutrition.

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