Intelligent Computer Aided Design, Proceedings of the IFIP WG 5.2 Working Conference on Intelligent Computer Aided Design (IntCAD91), Columbus, OH, USA, 30 September - 3 October 1991

A Schema for Negotiation between Intelligent Design Agents in Concurrent Engineering (S.M. Kannapan and K.M. Marshek). Use of Feedback to Control Redesign (C.W. Liew, L.I. Steinberg and C.H. Tong). Heuristically Guided Enumeration: A Framework for Multi-Criteria Parametric Design (D.C. Fogg). Unification of Form Feature Definition Methods (P.C. Sreevalsan and J.J. Shah). Structure Grammars and their Application to Design (C.N. Carlson and R.F. Woodbury). A Metric Space for Intelligent CAD (T. Taura and H. Yoshikawa). An Intelligent Integrated Interactive CAD - A Preliminary Report (D. Xue et al.). Behavior: A Link between Function and Structure in Design (J.S. Gero, K.W. Tham and H.S. Lee). Discussion: Research Trends (T. Tomiyama). Context-dependent Behaviors: A Preliminary Report (P.P. Nayak, L. Joskowicz and S. Addanki). Interaction-based Design: Constructing Novel Devices from First Principles (B.C. Williams). Representation of Design Functions in Experience-Based Design (A.K. Goel). The Role of Episodal Associative Memory in Feature-Based Design (Y-H. Pao et al.). Supporting Designers' Access to Information through Virtually Structured Hypermedia (R.J. McCall, J.L. Ostwald and F.M. Shipmann III). Evaluating Design Knowledge Compilation Mechanisms (M.B. Spillane and D.C. Brown). Logic in ICAD and Use of Logic by Designers (A. Bijl). Geometric Constraint Management with Quanta (R.C. Veltkamp). Dynamic Constraint Satisfaction with Continuous Variables (B. Faltings, D. Haroud and I. Smith). Discussion: Conference Themes and Predictions (J.S. Gero). List of Participants. Author Index.