In 1986, Beigel [Be87] (see also [Od89, III.5.9]) proved the nonspeedup theorem: if A, B ⊆ ω, and as a function of 2 n variables can be computed by an algorithm which makes at most n queries to B , then A is recursive (informally, 2 n parallel queries to a nonrecursive oracle A cannot be answered by making n sequential (or “adaptive”) queries to an arbitrary oracle B ). Here, 2 n cannot be replaced by 2 n − 1. In subsequent papers of Beigel, Gasarch, Gill, Hay, and Owings the theory of “bounded query classes” has been further developed (see, for example, [BGGOta], [BGH89], and [Ow89]). The topic has also been studied in the context of structural complexity theory (see, for example, [AG88], [Be90], and [JY90]). If A ⊆ ω and n ≥ 1, let . Beigel [Be87] stated the powerful “cardinality conjecture” (CC): if A, B ⊆ ω, and can be computed by an algorithm which makes at most n queries to B , then A is recursive. Owings [Ow89] verified CC for n = 1, and, for n 1, he proved that A is recursive in the halting problem. We prove that CC is true for all n .
James C. Owings,et al.
A cardinality version of Beigel's nonspeedup theorem
Journal of Symbolic Logic.
John Gill,et al.
Terse, Superterse, and Verbose Sets
Inf. Comput..
Paul Young,et al.
Self-Reducibility: Effects of Internal Structure on Computational Complexity
P. Odifreddi.
Classical recursion theory
Amihood Amir,et al.
Polynomial Terse Sets
Inf. Comput..
Richard Beigel,et al.
Bi-Immunity Results for Cheatable Sets
Theor. Comput. Sci..
Valentina S. Harizanov,et al.
Frequency Computations and the Cardinality Theorem
J. Symb. Log..
William I. Gasarch,et al.
Bounded query classes and the difference hierarchy
Arch. Math. Log..
R. Beigel.
Query-limited reducibilities
Walter Deuber.
A generalization of Ramsey's theorem for regular trees