People are on the verge of an era in which the human experience can be enriched in ways they couldn't have imagined two decades ago. Rather than depending on a single technology, people progressed with several whose semantics-empowered convergence and integration will enable us to capture, understand, and reapply human knowledge and intellect. Such capabilities will consequently elevate our technological ability to deal with the abstractions, concepts, and actions that characterize human experiences. This will herald computing for human experience (CHE). The CHE vision is built on a suite of technologies that serves, assists, and cooperates with humans to nondestructively and unobtrusively complement and enrich normal activities, with minimal explicit concern or effort on the humans' part. CHE will anticipate when to gather and apply relevant knowledge and intelligence. It will enable human experiences that are intertwined with the physical, conceptual, and experiential worlds (emotions, sentiments, and so on), rather than immerse humans in cyber worlds for a specific task. Instead of focusing on humans interacting with a technology or system, CHE will feature technology-rich human surroundings that often initiate interactions. Interaction will be more sophisticated and seamless compared to today's precursors such as automotive accident-avoidance systems. Many components of and ideas associated with the CHE vision have been around for a while. Here, the author discuss some of the most important tipping points that he believe will make CHE a reality within a decade.
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As we may think
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Computer for the 21st Century
James A. Hendler,et al.
A Portrait of the Semantic Web in Action
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Semantic Content Management for Enterprises and the Web
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Managing Semantic Content for the Web
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MyLifeBits: a personal database for everything
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Toward a PeopleWeb
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Relationship Web: Blazing Semantic Trails between Web Resources
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Linked Data - The Story So Far
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Amit P. Sheth,et al.
Citizen Sensing, Social Signals, and Enriching Human Experience
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