Interplanetary radio storms. I - Extension of solar active regions through the interplanetary medium

About 100 storms of type-III solar radio bursts have been identified in the ISEE-3 radio-experiment data during the 4-yr period around the maximum of the 21st solar cycle. They demonstrate the very frequent presence of streams of suprathermal electrons. Their durations range from 1 to 10 d or more. They are observed up to 100-170 solar radii. Their rate of occurrence is 2 to 3 per solar rotation near solar maximum. It is shown that the time variations of the daily radio-emission intensities correlate with the sunspot-number variations and with the solar activity in general. More specifically, a very good correlation is found with the meter-wave type-III and type-I storms, which demonstrates that the suprathermal electrons responsible for the radio emission have been accelerated below 2 solar radii heliocentric. The different lags observed between the sunspot-number variations, the S-component, and the type-I and type-III storms are discussed.