세척밸브 급수제어장치 설치에 따른 경제적 효과 분석

The amount of water resources that can be used tend to be decreased gradually. In contrast, the rapidly increasing water consumption is a problem that need to be addressed. Renovation and equipment replacement to improve energy efficiency and to reduce expenditure for building usage is required. But the excessive initial investment cost and the prolonged of payback period may be uneconomical choice. Water usage for cleaning the toilet bowl accounts for 27% of the total water usage. Water-saving valve that can select the amount of water for cleaning toilet bowl can be reduced expenditure. After installing water-saving valve, analysed the economic effects. Water-saving valves compared with flush valves, and researched the amount of water usage. Then analyzed for the economic effects. Water-saving valve was used 5.6 l/time for cleaning toilet bowl. In contrast, flush valve was consumed 8.4 l/time. Water-saving valve's water-saving rate was 33.3%. The initial payback period for Water-saving valve was 459.5 days. By a small investment in water saving valve, the economic benefits can be obtained.