The Phase-Bistable Transistor Circuit

A synchronized transistor switching circuit has been designed for use in computer applications. The circuit is phase bistable rather than amplitude bistable. The basic unit of the circuit is a commutating ring which is operated by clock pulses and which is sampled at one-half the repetition rate of the clock. An input pulse changes the phase of the ring with respect to the sample pulses. This is analogous to a change in the output amplitude of a conventional amplitude bistable device caused by introduction of an input pulse. The basic transistor circuit used is the one-shot multivibrator. The latter device has proved to be more reliable than any amplitudebistable transistor circuit. In section I are presented some features of a transistor switching circuit. Section II contains a simplified description of the phase-bistable circuit and its mode of operation. In section III is described the transistor circuitry, while in section IV some general applications to digital computers are discussed.