Analysis geofactors influencing foundation engineering

From the viewpoint of engineering geology and geotechnical engineering, the most important aspect is the state of geological subsoil, which influences various geological hazards. Geofactors are the basic components of the geological environment, which influence on the realization of foundation engineering. In the implementation of engineering work can find a wide variety of problems and complications. The factors that enter into this process and their combinations are endless and cannot describe all the way. Therefore nine geofactors was compiled, which include the most common problems in the implementation of engineering work, when deciding on a suitable location for engineering work, but also the issues of existing engineering works. The assessment of engineering geological conditions, which are used for the evaluation of foundation soils and their interaction with the engineering works are very complicated. The geological environment is closely related to other factors that fundamentally influence its behaviour. The practicality of this scheme lies in its simplicity, which allows quick entry into information about the risks arising from individual geofactors. The aim of this publication is to analyze those geofactors and structuring of hierarchiestheir effects.