Integrated photothermal microscope and laser damage test facility for in-situ investigation of nanodefect induced damage.

An integrated setup allowing high resolution photothermal microscopy and laser damage measurements at the same wavelength has been implemented. The microscope is based on photothermal deflection of a transmitted probe beam : the probe beam (633 nm wavelength) and the CW pump beam (1.06 microm wavelength) are collinear and focused through the same objective. In-situ laser irradiation tests are performed thanks to a pulsed beam (1.06 microm wavelength and 6 nanosecond pulse). We describe this new facility and show that it is well adapted to the detection of sub-micronic absorbing defects, that, once located, can be precisely aimed and irradiated. Photothermal mappings are performed before and after shot, on metallic inclusions in dielectric. Results obtained on gold inclusions of about 600 nm in diameter embedded in silica are presented.