Preliminary Data Analysis and Results: Descriptive Statistics and Reliability Tests

The research methodology adopted to collect and analyze data for this research was described, justified and discussed in Chap. 4. Therefore, the purpose of the present chapter is to summarize and present results of the descriptive statistics used to describe the samples. This chapter outlines the use of a computer package for analyzing data from questionnaire surveys, and presents the findings of the data analysis. The analysis of questionnaire data is described in five subsections: Sect. 5.1 summarizes the chapter objectives and outlines what will be covered in the subsections; Sect. 5.2 examines the response rate and demographic characteristics of the samples; Sect. 5.3 examines the psychometric properties of the measures utilized in terms of reliability analyses and construct validity for each construct of interest; Sect. 5.4 describes the normality check of the items; and Sect. 5.5 summarizes the chapter.