Efficient, safe, and secure freight transportation helps form the foundation upon which our nation's economic strength rests. Although efforts to improve freight transportation efficiency and reliability have been successful, the U.S. transportation system is now facing challenges that, unless addressed, may jeopardize its reliability. This report summarizes three years of work conducted by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation's (USDOT's) other nodal administrations, and the Secretary's Office of Intermodalism. This work involved the development of an integrated freight data and analytical system, called the Freight Analysis Framework (FAF), and extensive outreach to freight stakeholders aimed at improving the understanding of the nature of freight movement, identifying challenges to improving freight productivity and security, and developing strategies to increase freight productivity. The FHWA identified the following key challenges confronting freight transportation: congestion and capacity, operations, planning, financing, safety, national security, environmental impacts, and professional capacity building.