The paper focuses on the impacts that Artificial intelligence can have on the legal profession. The computerization of the various jobs in different sectors due to the advancement of technology has made the work of human to be replaced by computers and robots. There are anxiety and fear hovering over the minds of the people that whether their jobs are going to be taken up and replaced by the computers in the future. The impact of technology is certainly having an impact on the various sectors making them prone to the use of such technology. Similarly, the legal profession is also affected by the advancement of technology and much truly has gone through an adoption of such technologies. There has been a constant debate among the people involved in the legal industry that whether Artificial Intelligence or technology advancement is going to take up the jobs of the lawyers working at the lower and middlelevel handling research work and drafting process etc., or whether is it going to be proved as a boom to the legal industry by making the task easier. The paper is divided into broadly four sections. Firstly it explains briefly to the readers what Artificial Intelligence really is in a layman’s language; secondly it explains the presence of artificial intelligence in the legal industry talking about its history and impact from then onwards; third part talks about the various pros and cons which artificial intelligence have or might have on the legal industry; the fourth and the last part talks about how the advantages of artificial intelligence outweighs the cons it has. Though AI is a new concept to many, the paper tries to explain all such information’s and impacts it might have in a layman’s language. Keyword Artificial intelligence, Legal profession, jobs, lawyer, technology.
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