DAC Turns 40!

THE DESIGN AUTOMATION CONFERENCE has evolved from a small workshop where technologists exchanged ideas on using computers for designing arti-facts as diverse as buildings and electronic circuits to a large event with a rich technical program coupled with a trade show and commercial presentations. In its 40 years, DAC has maintained an exemplary balance between its technical and commercial souls. Graduate students and faculty see DAC as the premiere showcase for their research. EDA companies consider DAC the place to present their strategic directions and new tools to customers. Semiconductor and electronic systems companies regard DAC as the forum to have their needs heard and the place to find new tools and methodologies. DAC is the crossroad where young researchers and professionals meet with the electronics industry icons and the academic stars. It is the place where the hopes of startups materialize or evaporate, and venture capitalists scout talents and ideas. DAC's secret to longevity and relevance has been in its chameleon-like ability to mutate according to the changing industrial landscape: It has added new topics and entire tracks, such as the recently introduced embedded-system design track, as soon as the commu-nity's interest in these areas arose. New components— from demo suites, floor talks, and the silicon village to the recently introduced DAC pavilion—have been added, tried, evolved, or dropped, as needed. Building on past successes, DAC has continually innovated and evolved, but has always provided a forum for researchers and practitioners , keeping the research relevant and the hype contained. It has even forced traditional conference sponsors, the volunteer societies, from a monitoring role to active participation in community building and support. To the volunteers who serve as its organizers, DAC is also the most elaborate " service " ever thought of— although vied for as a distinction of honor, working on DAC is exhausting, and at times exasperating and excruciatingly detailed, in all its aspects, from technical program to panels to exhibit floors. DAC's organization reflects—as does the discipline that DAC represents— the exacting optimization of all possible variables and meticulous details into a single chorus that magically comes together year after year. For 40 years, DAC orga-nizers—the general and technical program chairs— have blended the cacophony of program elements into a single successful show. Earlier this year, IEEE Design & Test challenged this group of individuals to recall the most memorable moments and share with our readers …