8 . 96 Tb / s ( 32 × 28 GBaud× 32 QAM ) Transmission over 0 . 95 km 19 cell Hollow-Core Photonic Bandgap Fiber

As standard solid-core single mode fibers are predicted to reach their intrinsic capacity limits in the upcoming years, ultra-low nonlinearity hollow-core photonic bandgap fibers (HC-PBGFs) may provide a viable solution to meet future capacity increase trends [1]. The potential increase in capacity-per-fiber offered by HC-PBGFs arises from the combination of the orders-of-magnitude increase in nonlinearity tolerance and the realistic prospect of opening up a new, wider transmission window at 2μm [2]. Additionally, due to the transmission at close to speed of light in vacuum, the potential of HC-PBGFs for ultra-low latency transmission has been clearly identified [3]. Recently, substantial progress has been reported on these HC-PBGFs, including increasing the transmission bandwidth through control of the surface mode resonances [2,3], and the development of large core designs, which are required to achieve ultra-low loss [4]. Through the aforementioned fiber improvements, the state-of-the-art transmission capacity of HC-PBGF has been steadily increasing. The most recent achievements are 30.7Tb/s dual polarization (DP)-32 quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) transmission [5] and 73.7Tb/s DP-16QAM [6], in a 19 cell and 37 cell HC-PBGF, respectively. While the former only used a single mode, the latter employed 3 mode transmission. However, these record values were obtained using relatively short lengths of HC-PBGF (230m in [5], and 310m in [6]). Therefore it is of great importance to fully establish the performance of the HC-PBGF technology for longer fiber lengths, which become available as the fabrication technologies continue to improve. In this work, coherent transmission over a record distance of 0.95km of 19 cell HC-PBGF is shown. Using only the fundamental mode and coherent transmission employing a low complexity 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) frequency domain equalizer (FDE), the transmission of a 32×224Gb/s DP-16QAM and a 32×280Gb/s DP32QAM with gross bit rates of 7.2Tb/s and 8.96Tb/s are demonstrated, respectively. These values represent the longest HC-PBGF coherent transmission experiment, as well as the highest single-mode transmission bandwidth×distance product reported. The experiment demonstrates that the km-scale HC-PBGF length is already relevant to shorter reach data transmission applications, and shows that the HC-PBGF is becoming relevant for high data rate coherent communication systems.