Fair feedback control-based scheduling algorithm
As the need of functional factors in home networks is increased, it is obvious that the traffic of home network data is increased as well, so providing high quality network services becomes a main issue in home networking. In recent years, the use of feedback control theory for performance guarantees in QoS-aware systems has gained much attention. In this paper, a new feedback control based scheduling algorithm was developed to improve the fairness and QoS. Our approach makes three important contributions. First, it can maintain the desired performance such as delay,packets lossupon buffer occupancy changes. Secondly, in contrast to priority-based scheduling approaches, our solution has more fairness by adjusting the service time quota adaptively. Thirdly, our solution has more anti-jamming capacity with closed loop feedback control in burst environment. Simulation results demonstrate that the solution not only has excellent steady state behavior, but also has more improvement for QoS, fairness and adaptive capacity.