SLAP: Improving Physical Adversarial Examples with Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations

Whilst significant research effort into adversarial examples (AE) has emerged in recent years, the main vector to realize these attacks in the real-world currently relies on static adversarial patches, which are limited in their conspicuousness and can not be modified once deployed. In this paper, we propose Short-Lived Adversarial Perturbations (SLAP), a novel technique that allows adversaries to realize robust, dynamic real-world AE from a distance. As we show in this paper, such attacks can be achieved using a light projector to shine a specifically crafted adversarial image in order to perturb real-world objects and transform them into AE. This allows the adversary greater control over the attack compared to adversarial patches: (i) projections can be dynamically turned on and off or modified at will, (ii) projections do not suffer from the locality constraint imposed by patches, making them harder to detect. We study the feasibility of SLAP in the self-driving scenario, targeting both object detector and traffic sign recognition tasks. We demonstrate that the proposed method generates AE that are robust to different environmental conditions for several networks and lighting conditions: we successfully cause misclassifications of state-of-the-art networks such as Yolov3 and Mask-RCNN with up to 98% success rate for a variety of angles and distances. Additionally, we demonstrate that AE generated with SLAP can bypass SentiNet, a recent AE detection method which relies on the fact that adversarial patches generate highly salient and localized areas in the input images.

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