A lithospheric-scale seismogenic thrust in central Italy

In this paper, the relatively deep (up to 90 km) seismicity of central Italy is considered in comparison with the upper crust seismicity at the outer front of the Apennine fold-and-thrust belt system and with the major crust-scale tectonic discontinuities outlined by deep crust seismic reflection and refraction profiles. In particular, attention is given to the presence of a Plio-Quaternary SW-dipping thrust zone cutting the entire Adriatic crust and emerging at the outer front of the Apennine thrust system, along the Po Plain-Adriatic belt. This discontinuity, detectable from the CROP 03 near-vertical seismic reflection profile, but only partially highlighted in previous studies, is here named Adriatic Thrust (AT). The geometry of the AT is compared with the distribution and kinematics of the Coastal-Adriatic upper crust seismicity, of the Marche Foothill lower crust seismicity and of the Apennine deep seismicity (base of the crust and upper mantle). A good spatial correspondence between the down-dip fault geometry and the seismicity is observed. The rheological stratification of the lithosphere controls the location of the seismic activity at different depth intervals along the fault plane (0–10, 15–25, 35–45 km). The reconstructed rheological conditions do not allow to justify in terms of brittle behavior the deepest earthquakes, located at depths from 55 to 70 km within the possible down-dip intra-mantle prosecution of the AT. These events might represent either co-seismic plastic instabilities due to high strain concentrations within the AT shear zone or seismic failure of the continental Adriatic lithosphere due to a strong increase in pore fluid pressure (infiltration from the asthenosphere of hydroxil-CO2 rich volatiles). The proposed interpretation of the AT as a lithosphere-scale seismogenic fault zone, has several implications: (1) the Po Plain-Adriatic front of the Apennine thrust system is still active; (2) the Apennine deep seismicity is not associated with a SW-dipping subduction plane; (3) seismogenic deformation in association with lithospheric failure is possible.

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