Estudo de cultivares de amoreira e de técnicas de manejo alimentar no desempenho do bicho-da-seda (Bombyx mori L.)

At Galia experimental unit in Sao Paulo state, Brazil two experiments were carried out, during the years of 2001 and 2002 using different environmental condictions to evaluat the biological and productive performance of silkworm in the 5th instar fed with two mulberry cultivars (IZ 13/6 and IZ 40). The plants were supplied in two ways (entire and cut branches) with different frequencies (1st essay: two, four and six treatments per day; 2nd essay: two, three, four and five treatments per day). The experimental design was completely randomized blocks arranged in 2x2x3 factorial (1st essay) and 2x2x4 factorial (2nd essay), with four replications. The IZ 40 cultivar presented smaller intake and proportioned good biological and productive performance for silkworm. In controled environmental condictions, with utilization of entire branches of mulberry and two treatments for day, it was observed good silkworm performance.