Quantum computation

The theory of quantum computation can be constructed from the abstract study of anyonic systems. In mathematical terms, these are unitary topological modular functors. They underlie the Jones polynomial and arise in Witten-Chern-Simons theory. The braiding and fusion of anyonic excitations in quantum Hall electron liquids and 2D-magnets are modeled by modular functors, opening a new possibility for the realization of quantum computers. The chief advantage of anyonic computation would be physical error correction: An error rate scaling like e−αl, where l is a length scale, and α is some positive constant. In contrast, the “presumptive” qubit-model of quantum computation, which repairs errors combinatorically, requires a fantastically low initial error rate (about 10−4) before computation can be stabilized. Quantum computation is a catch-all for several models of computation based on a theoretical ability to manufacture, manipulate and measure quantum states. In this context, there are three areas where remarkable algorithms have been found: searching a data base (15 ), abelian groups (factoring and discrete logarithm) (19 , 27 ), and simulating physical systems (5 , 21 ). To this list we may add a fourth class of algorithms which yield approximate,

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