This paper presents the performance analysis of dualaxis solar tracking system using Arduino. The ultimate objective of this project is to investigate whether static solar panel is better than solar tracker, or the opposite. This project is divided into two stages namely, hardware and software development. In hardware development, five light dependent resistors (LDR) were utilized to capture the maximum light source from the sun. Two servo motors also were employed to move the solar panel to maximum light source location sensed by the LDRs. As for the software part, the code was constructed by using C programming language and was targeted to the Arduino UNO controller. The performance of the solar tracker was analyzed and compared with the static solar panel and the result showed that the solar tracker is better than the static solar panel in terms of voltage, current and power. Therefore, the solar tracker is proven more effective for capturing the maximum sunlight source for solar harvesting applications.
Chigueru Tiba,et al.
Photovoltaic pumping systems driven by tracking collectors. Experiments and simulation
J.A. Beltran,et al.
Design, Manufacturing and Performance Test of a Solar Tracker Made by a Embedded Control
Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA 2007).
A. K. Saxena,et al.
A versatile microprocessor based controller for solar tracking
IEEE Conference on Photovoltaic Specialists.
G.A. Capolino,et al.
Low cost two-axis solar tracker with high precision positioning
2006 First International Symposium on Environment Identities and Mediterranean Area.
Ariffuddin Joret,et al.
A Design of Low Power Single Axis Solar Tracking System Regardless of Motor Speed