The Physical Aspects of Radioisotopic Organ Imaging

evaded by many authors including those of the WHO Atlas (No. 8 in the "International Histological Classification of Tumours"). What name should be applied to the type of cell which comes off the surface layers of carcinoma in situ of the cervix? In the section of this book concerning carcinoma in situ they are called "malignant cells"; but in the previous section on severe dys-plasia, cells which admittedly may be indistinguishable are called "severely dyskaryotic parabasal cells". Is the description "malignant cell" best made on the grounds of a particular abnormal type of chromatin distribution? If so, cells shed by a cancer which do not show this pattern must not be called malignant cells, although they are none the less can-cerous. It would be better to redefine the term "dyskaryosis" (invented by Papanico-laou and discarded by many American authorities) for all this range of cytological abnormalities, including the changes seen in fully developed carcinoma, and leave the word "malignant" for the histopathologist to use when he finds invasion. Any laboratory concerned in teaching diagnostic cytology, whether to pathologists, technologists or "screeners", will want to have this book. It is not only a useful (and, in 1977, inexpensive) source of illustrations for its purpose, but even possesses a genuine index from which you can find everything that is pictured within. This volume contains the proceedings of the 24th Bruges Colloquium on Proteins and Related Subjects, 1976, including the 5th Tiselius Memorial Lecture delivered by Professor Ballieux of Utrecht, whose subject was "Molecules as Markers and Receptors" and who gave an overall view of those functions of cell-membrane proteins, taking the lymphocyte as his model. The book comprises three main sections: A. Pregnancy Associated Proteins, containing 44 papers subdivided into groups dealing with placental hormones, enzymes and specific proteins and proteins of foetal origin, e.g. AFP. Several papers here deal with their role in relation to immunization during pregnancy. B. Oncofoetal Proteins, containing 84 papers recording work on the isolation, properties, biological significance and occurrence in various cancers, of AFP, CEA and related antigens such as TPA. A subsection groups papers dealing with assay procedures for monitoring these proteins. C. Molecular Amplification, encompassing 24 papers which describe sensitive methods for the detection of trace amounts of proteins in general, based either on radioimmunoassay or enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay (ELISA). One item of special interest is a paper by Caputo on clinical evaluation …