The Numerical Investigation of Stress Distribution on the Rake Face for Grooved Cutting Tool Inserts

The development of an accurate model for the shear and normal stresses on the rake face is very important for modeling of the metal cutting mechanics. It is known that the stresses vary over the contact surfaces of the tool and change substantially with their configurations. On the other hand, the recent attempts were generally addressed to orthogonal cutting process and tools with flat rake faces. At present, grooved tools with complex rake faces are commonly applied in the industry. In this study a plane strain finite element (FEM) program AdvantEdge was used to simulate the cutting process with some disposable grooved cutting tools. Both the reduced von Mises stresses and their components in x and y directions were considered and visualized for appropriate chip formation stages. In particular, the distribution of the contact stresses was revealed when chip breakage occurs. The simulated results were correlated with the geometry of the chip breaker and process parameters.