TerraSAR-L System Calibration and Verification Concept

ESA, in the frame of the TerraSAR programme, is undertaking the development of a European polar orbit satellite system for operational SAR applications in L-Band. This system is intended to complement the DLR TerraSAR-X System with the aim of achieving operational and application related synergies where feasible. The present document describes the philosophy and concept of the calibration and verification of the TerraSAR-L synthetic aperture radar system, comprising both space and ground segments and taking the effects of the propagation path into account. It specifies the associated algorithms and tools and plans the relevant activities. This Terra-SAR-L calibration concept is based on the methodology developed for TerraSAR-X, which is in turn based on heritage from ERS-1, SIR-C/X-SAR, SRTM, and ENVISAT/ASAR.