The system SPIKE is an automated system for theorem proving in theories presented by a set of Horn clauses with equality. SPIKE is written in Caml Light and contains more than 10000 lines of code. It runs on SUN4 workstations under Unix with a graphical user-friendly interface in Xwindow system realized in Tk. It has been designed to provide users with facilities to direct and monitor proofs easily. The main novelty is the use of a new inference rule, which permit us to prove and disprove automatically inductive properties in parameterized conditional specifications [Bou93]. The motivation for this is that theorem proving in parameterized specifications allows for shorter and more structured proofs. Moreover, a generic proof can be given only once and reused for each instantiation of the parameters. Our procedure also extends our previous work [BR93a] to non-free constructors. Based on computer experiments, the method appears to be more practical and efficient than inductive proofs in non-parameterized specifications. We have also implemented a new procedure for testing sufficient completeness for parameterized conditional specifications [Bou93]. Moreover, SPIKE offers facilities to check and complete definitions.
Frank van Harmelen,et al.
Extensions to the Rippling-Out Tactic for Guiding Inductive Proofs
Frank van Harmelen,et al.
The Oyster-Clam System
Robert S. Boyer,et al.
Computational Logic
ESPRIT Basic Research Series.
Uday S. Reddy,et al.
Term Rewriting Induction
David R. Musser,et al.
On proving inductive properties of abstract data types
POPL '80.
Michaël Rusinowitch,et al.
Mechanizing inductive reasoning
Bull. EATCS.
Adel Bouhoula.
Parameterized conditional specifications : sufficient completeness and implicit induction
Adel Bouhoula,et al.
Preuves automatiques par récurrence dans les théories conditionnelles
Michaël Rusinowitch,et al.
Automated Mathematical Induction
J. Log. Comput..
Deepak Kapur,et al.
A Mechanizable Induction Principle for Equational Specifications