Discussion about the Industrial Control Network Intrusion Prevention Technology based on On-line Ensemble Learning
Industrial control network systems are popularly used in national infrastructure, such as metallurgy, coal, electric power, petrochemical, nuclear energy, aviation, railway, water treatment, Metro et.al. There are many characteristics in these networks, such as multi-network layers(device net, control net and manager net), multi-type network links(online/wireless link, local/remote link, long time/temporary link), multi-type link devices(intelligent instrument, computers of process control system, computers of management execution system) and multi-level users(operational workers in practice, harddevice engineer, soft ware engineer, official manager staff). How to effective protect such network system has been a focus in information security domain. In this paper, we analyze the technologies of information security and intrusion prevention for industrial control network system. How to develop artificial intelligence based on-line adaptive intrusion prevention model is the further research direction. Then, the on-line ensemble modeling technology is reviewed. Finally, the research problem about how to integrate on-line ensemble leaning with industry control network intrusion prevention system is presented.