A Structured Approach to Locate the Technological Position by Technology Knowledge Redundancy ─Patent Citation Network Perspective

This study approaches the relative position of a company in technological network based on patent citation of the cloud computing industry. It integrates the PCA with the patent family to obtain a complete data set for later analysis. After that, the Technology Knowledge Redundancy in the PCN has TKS/TKR indicators for analysis. Moreover, the changes in the technological positions before and after patent transfer revealed three patent acquisition strategies namely: strengthening foothold by enhancing barriers, a cash cow for non- practicing entities (NPE), and a shortcut for peripheral and new entrants. After patent transfer, more companies obtained high and low positions in the technological network and gained abundant and decreased resources. This fact reveals that the unchanged dichotomy in technological transfer. In order to obtain high positions in the technology industry and gain cooperation opportunities, marginal or new entrants of the technological field would need to acquire patents with high TKS/TKR.