Dispersion-insensitive frequency-doubled SCM signal processing technique for optical label swapping

We propose and simulate a novel optical label swapping scheme using a frequency-doubled subcarrier multiplexed (SCM) signal processing technique. This method can support a dispersion-insensitive and polarization-independent transmission and extraction of an SCM optical label using a standard fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) filter and an optical circulator without a conventional SCM coherent detection circuitry. Simulation results show that our method is applicable to an FBG filter with wide reflection bandwidth (BW), and relieves the restriction of an optical FBG filter, satisfying the wavelength tolerance of the dense WDM sources and FBG's center wavelength . Driving an external Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator over the full switching voltage improves the receiver sensitivity, compared to the previous standard double-sideband (DSB) SCM header processing technique.