Sixteen mutant lines tolerant to Al3+ toxicity in nutrient solutions, and a mutant line, sensitive to Al3+ originated from selections of a population of the cultivar Anahuac (sensitive to Al3+) previously submitted to gamma irradiation (260 and 310Gy), and the check cultivars Anahuac, IAC-24 and IAC-60, were evaluated in two locations and six trials, for grain yield, agronomic characteristics and tolerance to acid soils. ln Capao Bonito, in an acid soil and upland conditions, fifteen mutant lines presented higher grain yield in comparison to the cultivar Anahuac and the Al3+ sensitive mutant line. The cultivar IAC-60 exhibited the highest productivity. ln Tatui, in a limed soil, sprinkler irrigated, no difference was observed in grain yield among the tested genotypes. Gamma irradiation of seeds of the Anahuac cultivar was efficient to select mutant lines with similar agronomic characteristics (plant height, days from emergence to flowering, spike length, number of spiklets per spike, number of grains per spike and spiklet, and weight of 100 grains) in relation to the cultivar Anahuac, presenting however tolerance to Al3+ toxicity, which enables them to be cutivated in acid soil conditions.
J. L. Castro,et al.
Indução de mutação visando a redução de altura de planta e resistência às doenças no cultivar de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) IAC-17
M. C. Alves,et al.
Indução de mutação visando obtenção de resistência a doenças na cultivar de trigo IAC-24
J. Felício,et al.
Melhoramento do trigo: XXVIII. Novos genótipos obtidos por seleções em população segregante interespecífica submetida a irradiação gama
Camargo,et al.
Trigo: tolerância ao alumínio em solução nutritiva
J. Felício,et al.
Estudo comparativo de cultivares de trigo em latossolo roxo no estado de São Paulo em 1974
C. Camargo,et al.
Comportamento de cultivares de trigo em condições de sequeiro no estado de São Paulo
C. Foy,et al.
Opposite Alluminum and Manganese Tolerances of Two Wheat Varieties1