Optimization of single-phase induction motor design. II. The maximum efficiency and minimum cost of an optimal design

For pt.I see ibid., vol.3, no.2, p.349-56 (1988). Emphasis on energy conservation demands an improvement of the efficiency of single-phase induction motors. The optimization techniques formulated in part I are used to compute the optimal design parameters of a commercially available 2 HP, 115 V single-phase induction motor, resulting in maximum efficiency and minimum cost. Based on the optimization results due to four optimization components, the relationships between efficiency, power factor, cost, active materials, and the values of the capacitance of the run capacitor are studied and the limited validity of the model law is discussed. The method of boundary search along active constraints and the Han-Powell method are applied to the above single-phase induction motor and the optimization results are compared. A hybrid method incorporating the advantages of both above-mentioned methods yields the best numerical optimization results. >