First results of DTRF2020 computation
<p>The new ITRS realization, the ITRF2020, will be computed and released in 2021. Many institutions contributing to the international IAG services IGS, IVS, ILRS and IDS did work hard during the last months to finalize the ITRF2020 input data until mid of February 2021. The resulting data are series of SINEX files of daily or weekly global GNSS, VLBI, SLR and DORIS solutions. The ITRS Combination Centres (CC) are in charge of the computation of three ITRS realizations based on a combination of these input data. The three realizations can be seen as independent to some extent, as the combination strategies realized by the three CC partly differ considerably. This provides the opportunity of a cross-validation between the computed frames and ensures a high reliability of the final ITRF product. The ITRS CC will start in February 2021 with the analysis of the final input data series and their combination.<br>We will present first results of the analyses and computations performed at ITRS CC DGFI-TUM.</p>