Source Code Analysis Laboratory (SCALe) for Energy Delivery Systems

Abstract : The Source Code Analysis Laboratory (SCALe) is an operational capability that tests software applications for conformance to one of the CERT(registered name) secure coding standards. CERT secure coding standards provide a detailed enumeration of coding errors that have resulted in vulnerabilities for commonly used software development languages. The SCALe team at CERT, a program of Carnegie Mellon University's Software Engineering Institute, analyzes a developer's source code and provides a detailed report of findings to guide the code's repair. After the developer has addressed these findings and the SCALe team determines that the product version conforms to the standard, CERT issues the developer a certificate and lists the system in a registry of conforming systems. This report details the SCALe process and provides an analysis of energy delivery systems. Though SCALe can be used in various capacities, it is particularly significant for conformance testing of energy delivery systems because of their critical importance.

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