Grid-connected power control method and apparatus of a fuel cell system
The present invention relates to a power control method and apparatus of the grid-type fuel cell system. The present invention, the fuel cell 102, the power conversion unit 110, a portion of the DC power supplied to the power system in connection with an output is provided in the. The power system (120) receiving the electrical energy developed in the power converter 110 is provided. In addition is provided with transient voltage drop compensator 124 for compensating the power of the electric power system fault occurs the moment the power system (120) required by the power converter 110 at 120. The power converter 110 is selectively connected in accordance with the switching operation of the power system 120 and the instantaneous voltage drop compensating unit 124 and the switching unit 128. The That is, the power conversion unit 110 is as the power system (120) while the operation at all times that combines the state, if the electric power when the instantaneous failure occurs in the system 120, at the moment the fault is the instantaneous voltage drop compensating until recovery portion and to 124 to compensate the power of the electric power system 110 is required in the power converter 110. According to this invention as there is the advantage that can provide a stable electric power can be prevented an unnecessary shutdown of the system linkage system. Grid connection, instantaneous failure, power supplies, power systems, power conversion