Desenvolvimento de modelos para avaliação das redes de conhecimento: um estudo de avaliabilidade no Centro de Pesquisa René Rachou (Fiocruz Minas), Brasil
Research networks have been stimulated as strategies to intensify scientific and technological development and its impact on productivity. Evaluability study (ES) was conducted in a Fiocruz Minas Structured Program, considering intervention description, logic model development and the identification of evaluative questions. The qualitative approach was based on Seven Element System proposed by Thurston and Ramaliu (2005). Theoretical and logical models and matrices of measures and analysis were built, guided by document review, observation and interviews. The logical model allowed graphically viewing the creation of program components and their way of operation from its planning to expected results in short and long term. The matrix of measures described evaluative questions, instruments, data collection phase and procedures for systematization and analysis of data. Key informants have provided information, documents and electronic files, as well as participate in meetings and workshops. It was evident the interest of managers to use assessment information to reflect on strategies to implement the program. The ES found the possibility of further assessment of RIPAg and presented a favorable environment for its development.