Two new pseudopod morphologies displayed by the human hematopoietic KG1a progenitor cell line and by primary human CD34(+) cells.

A primitive human hematopoietic myeloid progenitor cell line, KG1a, characterized by high expression of the CD34 surface antigen has been observed to extend long, thin pseudopodia. Once extended, these pseudopods may take on one of two newly described morphologies, tenupodia or magnupodia. Tenupodia are very thin and form in linear segments. They adhere to the substrate, can bifurcate multiple times, and often appear to connect the membranes of cells more than 300 micrometer apart. Magnupodia are much thicker and have been observed to extend more than 330 micrometer away from the cell. Magnupods are flexible and can exhibit rapid dynamic motion, extending or retracting in a few seconds. During retraction, the extended material often pools into a bulb located on the pod. Both morphologies can adhere to substrates coated with fibronectin, collagen IV, and laminin as well as plastic. The CD34 and CD44 antigens are also present on the surface of these podia. Primary human CD34(+) cells from fetal liver, umbilical cord blood, adult bone marrow, and mobilized peripheral blood extend these podia as well. The morphology that these pseudopods exhibit suggest that they may play both sensory and mechanical roles during cell migration and homing after bone marrow transplantation.

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