About 7% of all childhood cancers comprise non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL). NHL are heterogenous group of neoplasms deriving from lymphatic system (cell B and T). B-cell NHL characterize by high malignancy, but coincidentally good reaction for treatment. In about 20% primary tumour is localised within head and neck, and nasopharynx lymphomas comprise 10%. This location maintains the biggest diagnostic and therapeutic difficulties because of tumours of this site proliferate in the region of frequent infections postponing a proper diagnosis and the local control after complete treatment is difficult.
The authors analyse clinical symptoms before diagnosis, the incidence of nasopharynx lymphomas, histopathological type of neoplasm, clinical stage, results of treatment.
The study includes 97 patients who were treated because of lymphomas between 1993-2002. The character of clinical symptoms and their duration, histopathological type of lymphomas, results of treatment were analysed.
The primary nasopharynx location was assessed in 9 patients (9.3%). Sex: 7 boys, 2 girls, age: 2-17 years. The duration which elapsed from initial clinical symptoms to diagnosis was 2-10 weeks. The histopathological assessment in 6 children was Burkitt lymphoma and in 3 children--Burkitt-like lymphoma. Metastases: CNS--1 patient, bone marrow--1 patient, abdomen--1 patient. Treatment was performed according to LMB-89 protocol.
First complete remission--7 patients; second complete remission--2 patients.
Lymphomas of nasopharynx cause diagnostic problems because of their early stage pseudo-inflammatory manifestation. Special attention should be paid to perform imaging studies (MRI/CT), which are useful in the reaching the proper diagnosis. The radiologic evaluation of primary lesion is still difficult. In the doubtful cases, the surgery and histopathological examination are necessary.