한국형 틸팅열차 운행 중 운전 모드에 따른 고조파 분석 및 평가에 관한 연구

Recently, the new Korean Tilting Train Express(TTX) which maintains a speed on the curve railway line is developed. Electric railways, including the TTX, have electrical problems that could bring about serious accidents. For such reasons, the electric railway's electrical problems, electrical harmonic and others, have been studied briskly. Thus, TTX's electrical problems also need leading studies because the new Korean TTX will operate earnestly in 2012. The results could be used hereafter diagnosis of it's components and train conditions. In the paper, electrical signals in TTX operation were measured to analyze electrical harmonic. In addition, after the electrical signals were measured to operating mode (coasting mode, acceleration mode and regenerative breaking mode) respectively in test section(Ho-nam line, Chung-buk line, Jung-ang line and Tae-baek line). The electrical harmonics considered operating modes triparted were analysed and evaluated.