The convergence of two numerical schemes for the Navier-Stokes equations

SummaryThis paper deals with some convergence/stability results concerning two numerical methods for solving the incompressible nonstationary Navier-Stokes equations. The algorithms are of a particular kind in what regards time discretization (more precisely, of the Peaceman-Rachford and the Strang type resp.), and have been obtained by modifying slightly the numerical treatment of the nonlinear terms in other schemes due to Glowinski et al. (1980). We first describe the full discretization of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem using a (general) external approximation of the spatial functional spaces involved (a particular and simple choice of such an approximation is the standardP2-Lagrange finite element for the velocity field when the fluid is bidimensional). Then we establish and prove convergence and stability and make some comments on the numerical treatment of other (generally nonhomogeneous) boundary conditions. The theoretical results show that the schemes are (at least) conditionally stable and convergent, which justifies the success of Glowinski's methods.