Vegetation demographics in Earth System Models: A review of progress and priorities

Numerous current efforts seek to improve the representation of ecosystem ecology and vegetation demographic processes within Earth System Models (ESMs). These developments are widely viewed as an important step in developing greater realism in predictions of future ecosystem states and fluxes. Increased realism, however, leads to increased model complexity, with new features raising a suite of ecological questions that require empirical constraints. Here, we review the developments that permit the representation of plant demographics in ESMs, and identify issues raised by these developments that highlight important gaps in ecological understanding. These issues inevitably translate into uncertainty in model projections but also allow models to be applied to new processes and questions concerning the dynamics of real‐world ecosystems. We argue that stronger and more innovative connections to data, across the range of scales considered, are required to address these gaps in understanding. The development of first‐generation land surface models as a unifying framework for ecophysiological understanding stimulated much research into plant physiological traits and gas exchange. Constraining predictions at ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales will require a similar investment of effort and intensified inter‐disciplinary communication.

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[12]  David Galbraith,et al.  Linking hydraulic traits to tropical forest function in a size-structured and trait-driven model (TFS v.1-Hydro) , 2016 .

[13]  David Medvigy,et al.  Diversity in plant hydraulic traits explains seasonal and inter-annual variations of vegetation dynamics in seasonally dry tropical forests. , 2016, The New phytologist.

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[15]  George C. Hurtt,et al.  The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) contribution to CMIP6:rationale and experimental design , 2016 .

[16]  D. Medvigy,et al.  Climate, soil organic layer, and nitrogen jointly drive forest development after fire in the North American boreal zone , 2016 .

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[21]  Ke Zhang,et al.  Variation in stem mortality rates determines patterns of above‐ground biomass in Amazonian forests: implications for dynamic global vegetation models , 2016, Global change biology.

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[26]  Pierre Gentine,et al.  An allometry‐based model of the survival strategies of hydraulic failure and carbon starvation , 2016 .

[27]  J. Chave,et al.  Causes of variation in leaf-level drought tolerance within an Amazonian forest , 2016 .

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[29]  M. Hansen,et al.  Potential Vegetation and Carbon Redistribution in Northern North America from Climate Change , 2016 .

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[31]  Christoforos Pappas,et al.  Modeling terrestrial carbon and water dynamics across climatic gradients: does plant trait diversity matter? , 2016, The New phytologist.

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[36]  Clayton C. Kingdon,et al.  Imaging spectroscopy algorithms for mapping canopy foliar chemical and morphological traits and their uncertainties. , 2015, Ecological applications : a publication of the Ecological Society of America.

[37]  Nate G. McDowell,et al.  Taking off the training wheels: the properties of a dynamic vegetation model without climate envelopes, CLM4.5(ED) , 2015 .

[38]  Julia E. M. S. Nabel,et al.  Upscaling with the dynamic two-layer classification concept (D2C): TreeMig-2L, an efficient implementation of the forest-landscape model TreeMig , 2015 .

[39]  Nadine Gobron,et al.  The fourth phase of the radiative transfer model intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Actual canopy scenarios and conformity testing , 2015 .

[40]  N. McDowell,et al.  Larger trees suffer most during drought in forests worldwide , 2015, Nature Plants.

[41]  Clayton C. Kingdon,et al.  Remotely estimating photosynthetic capacity, and its response to temperature, in vegetation canopies using imaging spectroscopy , 2015 .

[42]  Pierre Friedlingstein,et al.  Controls on terrestrial carbon feedbacks by productivity versus turnover in the CMIP5 Earth System Models , 2015 .

[43]  S. Higgins,et al.  Potential impact of large ungulate grazers on African vegetation, carbon storage and fire regimes , 2015 .

[44]  G. Bohrer,et al.  Observations of stem water storage in trees of opposing hydraulic strategies , 2015 .

[45]  N. McDowell,et al.  Interdependence of chronic hydraulic dysfunction and canopy processes can improve integrated models of tree response to drought , 2015 .

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[48]  Anja Rammig,et al.  Leaf and stem economics spectra drive diversity of functional plant traits in a dynamic global vegetation model , 2015, Global change biology.

[49]  Marcos Longo,et al.  Linking canopy leaf area and light environments with tree size distributions to explain Amazon forest demography. , 2015, Ecology letters.

[50]  J. Sperry,et al.  What plant hydraulics can tell us about responses to climate-change droughts. , 2015, The New phytologist.

[51]  Joe R. Melton,et al.  Competition between plant functional types in the Canadian Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (CTEM) v. 2.0 , 2015 .

[52]  Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe,et al.  Decreased water limitation under elevated CO2 amplifies potential for forest carbon sinks , 2015, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[53]  S. Malyshev,et al.  Scaling from individual trees to forests in an Earth system modeling framework using a mathematically tractable model of height-structured competition , 2015 .

[54]  R. Q. Thomas,et al.  Nitrogen limitation on land: how can it occur in Earth system models? , 2015, Global change biology.

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[56]  E. Hansis,et al.  Relevance of methodological choices for accounting of land use change carbon fluxes , 2015 .

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[58]  Gregory P. Asner,et al.  Spatial variability in tropical forest leaf area density from multireturn lidar and modeling , 2015 .

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[65]  Jean-Christophe Calvet,et al.  Predicting the response of the Amazon rainforest to persistent drought conditions under current and future climates: a major challenge for global land surface models , 2014 .

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[68]  K. Oleson,et al.  Modeling stomatal conductance in the earth system: linking leaf water-use efficiency and water transport along the soil–plant–atmosphere continuum , 2014 .

[69]  P. Reich,et al.  Biogeographic variation in evergreen conifer needle longevity and impacts on boreal forest carbon cycle projections , 2014, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[70]  Thomas Raddatz,et al.  Comparing the influence of net and gross anthropogenic land-use and land-cover changes on the carbon cycle in the MPI-ESM , 2014 .

[71]  M. Dietze,et al.  A general ecophysiological framework for modelling the impact of pests and pathogens on forest ecosystems. , 2014, Ecology letters.

[72]  Benjamin Smith,et al.  A stand-alone tree demography and landscape structure module for Earth system models: integration with inventory data from temperate and boreal forests , 2014 .

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[75]  Stephen Sitch,et al.  Analysing Amazonian forest productivity using a new individual and trait-based model (TFS v.1) , 2014 .

[76]  P. Moorcroft,et al.  Imaging spectroscopy‐ and lidar‐derived estimates of canopy composition and structure to improve predictions of forest carbon fluxes and ecosystem dynamics , 2014 .

[77]  Christian Körner,et al.  Moving beyond photosynthesis: from carbon source to sink-driven vegetation modeling. , 2014, The New phytologist.

[78]  P. Reich The world‐wide ‘fast–slow’ plant economics spectrum: a traits manifesto , 2014 .

[79]  Atul K. Jain,et al.  Evaluation of 11 terrestrial carbon–nitrogen cycle models against observations from two temperate Free-Air CO2 Enrichment studies , 2014, The New phytologist.

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[82]  D. Medvigy,et al.  Effects of seasonal variation of photosynthetic capacity on the carbon fluxes of a temperate deciduous forest , 2013 .

[83]  Benjamin Smith,et al.  Implications of incorporating N cycling and N limitations on primary production in an individual-based dynamic vegetation model , 2013 .

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[85]  Jonathan Seaquist,et al.  Implications of accounting for land use in simulations of ecosystem carbon cycling in Africa , 2013 .

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[98]  Simon Scheiter,et al.  Next-generation dynamic global vegetation models: learning from community ecology. , 2013, The New phytologist.

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[103]  L. Anderegg,et al.  Consequences of widespread tree mortality triggered by drought and temperature stress , 2013 .

[104]  Benjamin Smith,et al.  Guess the impact of Ips typographus—An ecosystem modelling approach for simulating spruce bark beetle outbreaks , 2012 .

[105]  D. Medvigy,et al.  Simulated impacts of insect defoliation on forest carbon dynamics , 2012 .

[106]  Benjamin Smith,et al.  Implementing storm damage in a dynamic vegetation model for regional applications in Sweden , 2012 .

[107]  S. Wofsy,et al.  Root niche separation can explain avoidance of seasonal drought stress and vulnerability of overstory trees to extended drought in a mature Amazonian forest , 2012 .

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[112]  Takeshi Ise,et al.  Effect of plant dynamic processes on African vegetation responses to climate change: Analysis using the spatially explicit individual‐based dynamic global vegetation model (SEIB‐DGVM) , 2012 .

[113]  G. Bohrer,et al.  Estimating plot-level tree structure in a deciduous forest by combining allometric equations, spatial wavelet analysis and airborne LiDAR , 2012 .

[114]  N. McDowell,et al.  Hydraulic limits preceding mortality in a piñon-juniper woodland under experimental drought. , 2012, Plant, cell & environment.

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[116]  Nate G. McDowell,et al.  Toward a Mechanistic Modeling of Nitrogen Limitation on Vegetation Dynamics , 2012, PloS one.

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[119]  S. Wofsy,et al.  Seasonal carbon dynamics and water fluxes in an Amazon rainforest , 2012 .

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