Apparatus for generating a flow of moving image coding apparatus moving image multiplexing apparatus and moving picture decoding apparatus motion picture

Apparatus flow generation moving picture generating a stream including imagenesque constitute a moving picture, said apparatus generating flow enmovimiento images comprising: a first unit usable for encoding a first supplemental information included ina unit random access, including the random access unit group of images whose primeraimagen is an image I (i) including the first additional information plural fragments Infomessages of image types indicating types of the pictures included in the group, and (ii ) utilizandosecuando pictures included in the random access unit are played back in trick play, yestando plural pieces of information of image types placed in an order corresponding decoding order even the group of pictures; and including plural pieces of image information detipos at least: an I picture on which performs intra-coding; one Psobre image which performs the inter-coding with reference to a picture per block which is a unidadbasica in coding; a first image B on which performs the inter-coding conreferencia two pictures per block which is a basic unit in coding, and which can be dereference of an image; and a second image B on which performs the inter-coding conreferencia two pictures per block which is a basic unit in coding, and which can not be the subject of any other reference picture; yuna unit operable to generate a flow of moving image generation, adding additional lainformacion encoded corresponding to the first I picture coded image isa initial image random access unit, and (ii) adding, to each access unit random unconjunto sequence parameter that is a group of parameters concerning one or more pictures.