Computer Glossary: The Complete Illustrated Dictionary, Ninth Edition with Cdrom
From the Publisher:
This classic computer volume - long the reference of choice for computer users at all levels - is now completely updated to contain more useful and current information than ever before, including brand new information on Internet and Web terminology. With 2,000 new and revised entries (for a grand total of more than 6,000) and more than 200 photographs and illustrations, The Computer Glossary is easily the most comprehensive source for computer terms and information ever compiled. It's really more than a dictionary - not only does it include computer concepts and terminology, but it also covers jargon, companies, products, and industry history. Perfect for wet-behind-the-ears Web surfers, techno nerds, and anybody in between, The Computer Glossary addresses everything from personal computers to mainframes, from networking to vendors to operating systems, and much more.