Design andKinematics Analysis ofParallel Robots for AnkleRehabilitation
Anklejoint injury isacommonathletics injury in clinic. Itcanbetreated inamedical way,besides, rehabilitation exercises areneeded, sufferers canregain theanklejoint's function tothegreatest extent andenhance theproprioception. Inthis paper, amedical treatment robotisproposed forankle joint rehabilitation exercises, inwhichthe3-RSS/Sparallel mechanism isadopted basedontheankle joint's movements. The mechanical design isdescribed andtheinverse kinematic is derived, as a result, theJacobianmatrixisobtained. Furthermore, a reality modeloftherobotisbuilt byUG and simulated undertheADMS environment. Itshowsthedesign can meettheneedsofanklejoint rehabilitation movements. Inorder tovalidate theseconcepts, thefirst prototype isdeveloped that driven bythree torque motorsandequipped withforce sensor for sensing theinteraction force between patient's foot androbot. Atlast, therobot's control system ispresented inthepaper. IndexTerms- anklerehabilitation, parallel mechanism, kinematics, mechanism simulation