A very low noise and low drift voltage regulator for rare event searches with bolometric detectors

A linear power supply circuit was designed for long runs with highly sensitive particle physics experiments, such as rare event searches with bolometric detectors. The circuit accepts unregulated power supply voltages up to about ±20 V and gives at the output very low noise, high stability voltages, whose values can be tuned between ±2:5 V and ±11:25 V. The rated current at the output is 4 A. The circuits are protected against failures and shorts at the output with a voltage and a thermal foldback. The recovery time after a short is about 100 μs. The circuit is designed for a thermal drift of 2 ppm=°C and a noise spectrum below 10 nV/√Hz down to 1 Hz. An onboard microcontroller provides monitoring and diagnostics and allows to select the output voltages remotely through a CAN bus.