Innovative education with e-learning support in European project

The article is devote to describe the structure of selected courses and the author's work in the project named Center for innovative education (ESF 2010-2012), which is supported by European Social Fond (ESF). The project is implemented at the Faculty of Natural Sciences (FPV), Constantine the Philosopher University (UKF) in Nitra. The first and the main objective of this project is to upgrade the education at the FPV UKF in Nitra, adaptation to the needs of academia by improving quality and human resources skills development. The second is the strategic objective of the project that is related to the global objective of operational program through their specific objectives and activities that specifically contribute to increase the quality of the key responsibilities of project participants. The authors of this article participate on by solving and have a several positions in this project. One of the author's tasks is to develop educational materials and their subsequent implementation into the LMS Moodle system. To the attractiveness of materials contributes not only the support of multimedia such as videos, support programs, applications that students can run during a study, but also the LMS Moodle that supports course personalization for student. We expect that such adapted materials should have a direct impact on students' knowledge, thanks to which thus acquired knowledge should be longer-lasting. This step should cause an increase of student proficiency.