Perception and reality: assessing priorities for sustainable development in the Niger River delta

The Niger Delta is the richest part of Nigeria in terms of natural resources. The area has large oil and gas deposits, as well as extensive forests, good agricultural land and abundant fish resources. Despite the tremendous natural and human resource base, the region's potential for sustainable development remains unfulfilled and its future is being threatened by environmental degradation and deteriorating economic conditions which are not being addressed by present policies and actions. Twenty-five years of oil development have not brought significant benefits to the region. Resource-use decisions are being driven by a lack of development, poor health, stagnant agricultural productivity, very limited opportunities in urban areas, rapid population growth, and tenuous property rights. The article attempts to advance beyond the prevailing emotive arguments on the causes of environmental degradation by examining the full range of environmental issues to determine priorities and to suggest options for sustainable development within an integrated coastal zone management framework.