ETL Processes Security Modeling

Thedevelopmentof informationsystems(IS)inasecureenvironmentorconditionisacomplex taskthatinvolvesmanyadditionalbasicsecurityprotocols,policiesaswellasindustrystandardson passwords,anti-virusprograms,firewallsanddataencryption.However,intraditionalISdevelopment lifecycles,securityiseitherignoredoraddedasanafterthought,whichdoesnotassurethesystem completesecurity.So,itisnecessarytogivemoreimportancetothisissueandconsideritaspartof ISdevelopmentprocess.Inthiscontext,theauthorsshouldguaranteethesecurityofETL(Extract, Transform, Load) processes, which are among the most critical and complex tasks during DW developmentproject.Inthisstudy,securitymanagementiscarriedoutforETLprocessesbyproposing a meta-model integrating the security concepts from the security requirements to the necessary preventiveand/orcorrectivetreatments.Theproposedmeta-modelisvalidatedwithinstantiation. KEywoRDS COSMIC, CVSS, ETL Processes, Measure, Meta-Model, Security, Vulnerability

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