The Linux edge
Linux has succeeded not because the original goal was to make it widely portable and widely available, but because it was based on good design principles and a good development model. This strong foundation made portability and availability easier to achieve. Originally Linux was targeted at only one architecture: the Intel 80386 CPU. Today Linux runs on everything from PalmPilots to Alpha workstations; it is the most widely ported operating system available for PCs. If you write a program to run on Linux, then, for a wide range of machines, that program can be “write once, run anywhere.” It’s interesting to look at the decisions that went into the design of Linux, and how the Linux development effort evolved, to see how Linux managed to become something that was not at all part of the original vision. Linux today has achieved many of the design goals that people originally assumed only a microkernel architecture could achieve. When I began to write the Linux kernel, the conventional wisdom was that you had to use a microkernel-style architecture. However, I am a pragmatic person, and at the time I felt that microkernels (a) were experimental, (b) were obviously more complex, and (c) executed notably slower. Speed matters a lot in a real-world operating system, and I found that many of the tricks researchers were developing to speed microkernel processing could just as easily be applied to traditional kernels to accelerate their execution. By constructing a general kernel model drawn from elements common to all typical architectures, the Linux kernel gets many of the portability benefits that otherwise require an abstraction layer, without paying the performance penalty paid by microkernels. By allowing for kernel modules, hardware-specific code can often be confined to a module, keeping the core kernel highly portable. Device drivers are a good example of effective use of kernel modules to keep hardware specifics in the modules.