Cattle identification systems (IDS) provide means for producers to maintain individual animal
records in a database for ownership, health, and treatment history. Adaptations of these
identification methods may be used to gain insights into animal performance and behavior for
research, and ultimately as a production tool. An electronic identification system to monitor
cattle behavior (BIDS) was designed and installed in a shade research facility constructed at
USMARC. The goal of the system was to quantify performance and behavioral response in a
production setting. The facility consists of 16 pens, containing eight animals per pen. Eight of
the pens allow access to a shade structure, with the remainder having no shade access. The BIDS
has been integrated into the bunk feeding system to monitor eating behavior. The system was
developed for this research application to be low cost, rugged, and flexible. Antennas and
electronic circuit boards were designed to allow individual eating locations and animals to be
identified. Software was written to perform the control, reading, interpretation and logging of
ear tag data. This paper details the design, construction, installation, and initial results of this
research tool.