Continuing medical education: Changes in health care and continuing medical education for the 21st century

A revolution in health care is occurring as a result of changes in the practice of medicine and in society. These include changing demographics and the pattern of disease; new technologies; changes in health care delivery; increasing consumerism; patient empowerment and autonomy; an emphasis on effectiveness and efficiency; and changing professional roles. These are the challenges which will face the medical profession in the 21st century and to which continuing medical education must respond. ### Demographics and the pattern of disease In 20 years' time the proportion of most rich countries' populations aged 65 and over will have doubled to around 20-25%. Old people today consume about a third of total health care spending; if present trends continue, by the year 2000 they will be consuming half.1 The consequences will be a shift in the need for preventive and curative health care in the direction of the chronic health problems of older people and a large increase in demand for care of very frail or ill dependent elderly patients. There will be even greater pressures to cap spiralling healthcare costs. #### Summary points The education system must be better able to respond to rapid changes in the outside world and involve employers and users of health services The culture of the education system, now largely shaped by performance in examinations and emphasis on factual content, must be changed to one which values self directed learners and problem solvers There is a need to improve the effectiveness of continuing medical education, such as developing better programmes on doctor-patient communication and interprofessional continuing education No major changes in overall patterns of morbidity are expected, but some health problems will increase. Health loss areas will include the widening of social class disparities, increasing alcohol consumption and drug addiction, and increasing numbers of cases of senile …

[1]  H D Banta,et al.  Minimally invasive surgery. Implications for hospitals, health workers, and patients. , 1993, BMJ.

[2]  C. Lenehan,et al.  Nurse practitioners in primary care: here to stay? , 1994, The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

[3]  J. Reynolds,et al.  The next transformation in the delivery of health care. , 1995, The New England journal of medicine.

[4]  R J Lilford,et al.  Hospital at home , 1998 .