China - Qinbei (Henan) Power Plant Project and Associated 500-kV Transmission Line - environmental assessments
This is an environmental assessment of the Qinbei Power Plant Project (Phase I), a coal-fired thermal power unit with an on-line performance monitoring system; and transmission lines connecting the power plant to the existing power network. No adverse impact to human health or ecology is expected to result from plant air pollutants--levels remain acceptable but will be monitored with data collection and surveys. Mitigations to protect groundwater resources include an impermeable liner for the ash disposal yard--final ash yard design may include either compacted clay or membrane type liners; and installing, operating, and monitoring wells beyond the ash yards perimeter to assure that leakage does not penetrate the barrier and contaminate local groundwater. All effluent streams will be treated to make water quality standard before being discharged to a riverbed. Henan power company (EPH) studies will focus on predicting upstream flood impact. Compensatory floodwater storage areas will be created if significant risk is identified. Impacts due to increased traffic include the release of significant amounts of engine exhaust and dust to nearby villages, plus safety issues. They will be mitigated by routing ash disposal roads away from population centers, using larger trucks to reduce the number of trips, limiting trucks to daytime operation, and wetting and covering ash cargo to reduce dust. Structures will be earthquake-proofed, and soils will be assessed for damage.