Abstract : The report is an analysis of the requirements of a recording system to be used in recording single nonrecurrent signals of the form K(exp(alpha t)) with the range of alpha being from approximately 1 x 10 to the 8th power to 20 x 10 to the 8th power per sec. The recording of such signals is particularly important in nuclear measurements on atomic weapons. Particular attention is given to the response of the more important system components such as detectors, transmission lines, signal amplifiers and cathode-ray tubes. The capabilities and limitations of each are discussed. It is found that for a linear system the primary effect of each component is to cause a reduction in the relative amplitude of the signal, resulting in a reduction in the dynamic range of the system. Some attention is also given to the response of certain system elements to other type signals including impulse functions, step functions, ramp functions and sinusoids. The effects of nonlinear elements are considered rather briefly. From this analysis conclusions are drawn and recommendations made concerning the selection of the most suitable system elements and the arrangement of these elements. Where possible, suggestions have been given as to possible future developments. (Author)